New Patients

New Patients

Free Chiropractic Consultations! There is no risk in coming in and seeing what chiropractic can do for you. If you have questions about your symptoms, have heard things about chiropractic that you would like clarified, or if are looking for another opinion on something stop by or call today to schedule the time that works best for you!

We offer same-day appointments and New Patients can also save time during their first visit by printing out and completing the New Patient Intake Forms located below. Our full HIPAA Privacy Policy is also available as a courtesy to you. A copy is also at the front desk upon request.

If this is your first time seeing a chiropractor, here is what you can expect from Level Spine Chiropractic. We strive to provide the best service possible so you can have the best experience possible.

  • Create a Patient Profile

    • By filling out the initial intake forms you are taking your first steps toward feeling better! If health insurance will be utilized then coverage will be verified and an updated Explanation of Benefits will be provided.

  • Initial Consultation

    • The more we can understand your condition, the better we can help you. We will discuss your past medical history, current; conditions, work, and postural habits that may be contributing to your complaint. A full history of your current complaint(s) will also be taken so Dr. Ludwig can determine if this is a chiropractic case or not. There is no cost for the consultation but pricing will be introduced at this time as we feel it is best to be straightforward with our patients before any services are provided.

  • Examination

    • With a comprehensive history in hand, Dr. Ludwig will perform a detailed chiropractic examination to assess the performance of your nervous system, supporting muscles, joint function, and bone integrity. He will assess your complaint directly as well as search for potentially hidden contributors, such as postural distortion, scoliosis, improper; standing/sitting posture imbalanced weight distributions, etc. This entire exam process may take 30 to 45 minutes.

  • Additional Testing

    • If x-rays were taken during your exam, they will be processed as soon as possible but they may take as long as one day for the doctor to fully investigate the findings. A digital foot scan may also be required to assess any complications that may be arising from poor foot arch support.

  • Report of Findings and Treatment Plan

    • Your second visit is what we call the Report of Findings (ROF). During the ROF Dr. Ludwig will discuss what was found during the exam including any x-ray findings or foot scan results if necessary to provide a complete explanation of what is causing your complaints. This will include giving a name to your problems(s), what will be done to correct the problem, how long this may take, as well as answering any questions that you may have. Pricing for the proposed care plan will be presented at this time with details about your potential payment totals.

  • Decision Time

    • Dr. Ludwig will propose what he believes is the best and fastest way for you to get out of pain and start performing better. This typically will include a structured care plan with set goals for care. But we understand that not everyone wants this type of care. This is why we still accept walk-ins. If you prefer to pop in when it works best for you then we are here to work with you.

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